
Bracing is a therapy option that uses external braces on various limbs to provide additional support for unstable joints or ligaments. Braces are often made of soft, durable fabric, but can also include metal, plastic and Velcro straps. They can be custom-made or come patient-ready. Your physiotherapist can make sure you choose the right brace and get it customized for your needs.

When you’re recovering from an injury or managing a condition, you want to take it slow. Getting back to your regular activities is the number one goal, but you need the right support to gradually regain your strength and function. Otherwise, you could end up with a re-injury.

When to get a brace

Braces are often used when you’ve sustained an injury, before or after surgery, or have deterioration in your joints or ligaments due to repeated use, age or a chronic condition.

Following an accurate diagnosis of your injury or condition, your doctor, physiotherapist or other healthcare professional may suggest a brace to help with rehabilitation. Braces provide stability when ligaments, muscles and/or bones are still healing. This lets you (slowly) resume certain activities, gradually building up your strength and function while protecting you from re-injury.

A brace is often used in combination with other types of therapy, such as physiotherapy, massage and more. The healthcare professional you’re working with will not only select and fit you for the right brace, but they’ll also provide instructions on when and how long you should wear the brace so you can get all the benefits.
